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The investment market for luggage and leather goods projects is booming, and the business of luggage and leather franchise stores can get a good development space. How to make a quick profit when opening a store, every investor who joins the leather goods project is concerned about such problems. If you want to open a good store, you must do a good job in the management of the customer. This is the key to the long-term profitability of each luggage store. Below, Xiaobian specifically talks about the method of consumer management on this issue.

A well-operated luggage and leather franchise store must do a good job in effectively managing consumers. Consumer management in management is an important part of terminal management, and it is mainly aimed at terminal consumers. Putting terminal management at the forefront! Consumer management needs to be the focus of terminal management with the deepening of modern marketing concepts that are consumer-oriented and demanding!

In the actual operation process, the luggage store franchise store and the consumer to establish a good customer relationship is a concern for every operator. How to focus on consumer management? The main function of the terminal is to seize the consumer and sell the product to the consumer to satisfy them. It is necessary to conduct detailed registration for all consumers entering the store, understand the consumer's spending power and level, master detailed data, and make full use of consumer resources. To make full use of limited advertising costs, direct information to the target audience. Of course, the premise is that the target customer base is already very clear and clear. In addition, the advertising of the head office in the media is essential!

Nowadays, when dealing with luggage and leather franchise stores, we should pay attention to the work of consumer management, and it is very good to establish a file for each consumer so that the service can be tracked later. After understanding this, investors' luggage store should have an understanding of consumer management. Master the store management skills of the luggage leather goods project, so that your luggage leather franchise stores get considerable profits. If there is still something unclear about this, investors can consult with the global affiliate network.

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